Zaidi Foundation


+92 346 955 4689



Since Our Launch

Helps Flood Victims

Since Our Launch

Provision of University Fees

Since Our Launch

Support in Girls Marriages

Welcome To

Zaidi Foundation

Zaidi Foundation Registration of SECP is in process

We serve and protect the needs and rights of the humanity suffering with socio-economic calamities: During Peace and disaster regardless of ethnicity, faith, race, or nationality .We advocate the rights-based Policies and durable solutions for the most Marginalized communities

30 Years Experience




Integrated development where there is social justice, Peace, Empowerment, Self-reliance and poverty has been overcome, and people specially children and women live in dignity and security.



Mobilize and encourage people to identify their basic needs & problems and help them in solving these problems through utilization of their potential on participatory basis to work in harmony towards sustainable development.

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  • Respect: We acknowledge the dignity, potential, and contribution of participants, donors, partners, and staff
  • Integrity: We act always with ZF's mission, being honest, transparent and accountable in what we do and say, and accept responsibility for our collective and individual actions.
  • Commitment: We work together effectively for sustainable development.
  • Excellence: We continuously challenge ourselves to the highest levels of learning and performance to achieve greater impact.
  • Advocacy for peace, equality and human rights.
  • Provide platform to poor and marginalized people, and support their efforts to take control of their own resources and lives and fulfil their rights, responsibilities and aspirations.
  • Develop and use approaches that ensure the result in lasting and fundamental improvements in the lives of the poor and marginalized with whom we work.
  • Strengthening capacity for self-help
  • Conservation and Protection of Environment for sustainable development and sustainable utilization of Natural Resources.
  • Provision of educational facilities and awareness rising.
  • Availability of health facilities in remote and backward areas and awareness rising about prevention and control of diseases.
  • Addressing discrimination in all its forms.
  • Awareness, Education & Literacy programs.
  • Research
  • School Sanitation & Hygiene Promotion.
  • Health education and sanitation program.
  • Non-formal basic education and vocational training program.
  • Emergency Situation Program.
  • Agriculture & Environment Program.
  • Income Generation, Microfinance and SME Development program.
  • Social Mobilization.
  • Community Development & Organization.
  • Women Empowerment Program.
  • Gender and Development.
  • Planning, Implementation & Monitoring.
  • Community Physical Infrastructure.
  • Surveys & Evaluations.
  • Poor & Marginalized community group
  • Women & Children
  • Youth
  • Small Farmers
  • Local Govt. Representatives and Line Departments
  • Community Based Organizations(CBOs)

Rights Based Approach to Programming is adopted so as to change stakeholders perception towards providing “help / assistance” to the downtrodden.

  • Organize the Village councils (VC) at village level, Area coordination council (ACC) at Union council level, Tehsil Coordination Council (TCC) at Tehsil level and District coordination council (DCC) at district level.
  • The principle of “Community Participation” (organizing communities into Village Development Groups) is promoted to ensure sustainability.
  • The skills of youth & women are improved to enable their contribution in development activities.
  • The implementation capacity of project partners as well as that of communities is enhanced to enable them to undertake village level development activities on an individual &/or collective basis.
  • Teamwork, establishing linkages with Govt. and other NGOs / COs having common objectives, is encouraged for optimal utilization of community resources.

Zaidi Foundation is governed by executive council, which is responsible for the policy decision. While the program is implemented by a core management team, comprising of an executive director and program managers. Financial matters and accounts of ZF are maintained by the finance manager in order to ensure smooth running of the project / programs.

Seven members of executive council take care of the ZF policy decision, meets on quarterly basis to review the project’s implementations, financial status and other policy issues. All the decisions are   made in a very democratic way and everyone has the right to have his/her say. Board approves any policy / procedure and has the authority to change the by- laws and constitution of the organization. Board of director appoints the key staff member following a recruitment procedure. Board of Governors gives advisory to the Manager Program Development on various issues and comes up with concrete suggestions for organizational development. Any violation of law is referred to the code of conduct committee formed within the board after preliminary action. Board acts as an internal auditing, monitoring and evaluation forum for ZF. ZF Board of Governance Comprises as following:

  1. Chairperson
  2. General Secretary
  3. Joint Secretary
  4. Finance Secretary
  5. Information Secretary
  6. Office Secretary
  7. Member of BOG
  1. Executive Director; 01 in nos.
  2. Director Programs; 01 in nos.
  3. Finance and Admin Manager; 01 in nos.
  4. Social Organizer; 03 male, 03 female in nos.
  5. Engineer; 01 in nos.
  6. Computer Operator; 01 in nos.

Office boy; 01 in nos


We serve and protect the needs and rights of the humanity suffering with socio-economic calamities